Dinners at the Village – Celebrating Love at Relais Alberti

Once again this year, our traditional Valentine’s Day menu awaits you for a journey through the authentic flavors of Relais Alberti.
A tribute to love in all its forms, celebrated through dishes that tell our story and passion for hospitality.
A special evening to experience in the warm atmosphere of the Ancient Village of Malamocco. For those wishing to extend the magic, we will be happy to welcome you to our charming rooms.
February 14th, 7:30 PM – Relais Alberti
For information and reservations: [email protected] – 041 5261143



Amuse bouche

Ostrica in tempura con maionese al prosecco e lime

French Kiss Cocktail



Gamberi, Avocado e Pompelmo Rosa

Alici speziate

Sashimi di Tonno con salsa allo Zenzero


Cena in sala del camino

Risotto al radicchio con scampi e fonduta di formaggio ubriaco

Filetto di branzino alle erbe aromatiche con verdure invernali al forno


Per concludere

Cuore di meringata Lamponi e Cioccolato


prezzo a persona:

compresi vini della nostra cantina in abbinamento